
Careers & IAG

Careers information and guidance is available to all. At Gaynes; we want all students to make good choices for the future – ‘informed decisions are good decisions’

Your School Careers Advisor is: Mr Amin and Mr Lucas

You can contact Them:

  • Book a careers interview at the student reception
  • Check out the Library Careers area

Telephone:01708 502 900

Provider Access Statement


Careers/IAG is to help students think about and plan their future; Careers/IAG is to help students find out which pathway is best for them. To enable good understanding and positive attitudes, we aim to engage with parents and give them access to Careers: Bill Law’s ‘Community Interaction Theory’ states how our perceptions about careers are gained from within our communities. By working in partnership we hope to ensure positive outcomes for all our students.

At Gaynes we aim to provide timely, impartial advice and guidance.


Careers information is provided to students in different formats –

In person through:

  • 1:1 Careers interviews are available with a qualified Careers Adviser
  • Careers sessions are provided to students through PSCHE lessons and presentation lessons. given to each tutor group at each transition stage.
  • Careers trips to a range of places including Careers Events, Insight days and to visits to Further and Higher Education Colleges
  • National careers week through subject areas
  • Personalised Careers Advice through the use of “Unifrog”
  • Dissemination of information to students regarding Careers Conferences, including those concerning Apprenticeships locally

In written form through:

  • a series of noticeboards

Interactively through Internet links:

  • GOOGLE CLASSROOM - Information regarding Careers, Apprenticeships, Work Experience opportunities and other links are posted directly onto the year group Google Classroom
  • UNIFROG – an Online Career Guidance platform for 12-18 year olds
  • Useful websites


Pathways is the term used to refer to the different paths students may take. At secondary school these will occur at KS4 & KS5. Pathways are the qualifications with their levels and the routes that students can take to acquire them.

Look at the ‘Levels and Qualifications’ table showing these pathways.

AIG.1 Gaynes



Choosing an appropriate pathway will involve choosing an appropriate course and where to do it.


Partnership with External Agencies and Stakeholders

At Gaynes we work with external agencies to provide accurate and focused careers information, advice and guidance tailored to individual needs to enable young people to make informed choices about their future career routes.

We always welcome the opportunity to develop new partnerships to add to our existing partnerships. If you are an employer, apprenticeship provider, university, higher education provider, a parent or alumni and would like to arrange to come in to deliver careers related talks to our students, please contact: 

Mr Amin or Mr Lucas (via the school enquiries email).


Information for Students


Information for Staff:



What is the difference between GCSE and BTEC?

  • GCSEs have more exam assessment. BTEC have different grades: Pass, Merit and Distinction

BTEC Pass(P) = GCSE C/5

BTEC Merit(M) = GCSE B/6

BTEC Distinction(D) = GCSE A/8

BTEC Distinction*(D*) = GCSE A*/9

What is a pass at GCSE?

  • Grade 4 is the lowest pass to be accepted. Grades 5 + are ‘Good’ grades; Grades 1-3 are needed for L2 qualifications


What is the difference between BTEC Subsidiary Diploma and BTEC Extended Diploma?

  • BTEC Subsidiary Diplomas can be taken alongside A Levels. Extended Diplomas are the equivalent to 3 Levels.


The Level 3 BTEC Nationals (QCF) will qualify for the following UCAS tariff points. : Click Here



Students at Gaynes School have access to Unifrog.

Unifrog is an internet based platform that brings all the available careers information into one single, impartial, user-friendly site that helps students to make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications.

Unifrog sessions will be delivered throughout years 7-11 in drop down lessons. These hour long sessions will focus on a specific skill or competency which can be recorded on their personal profile, allowing them to compile these skills into a CV at the end of year 11. It has the most up to date labour market information, along with accompanying interviews with professionals from that field.


The careers provision is evaluated annually, with the next review due in the Autumn term 2024.